The Firm Paleta A.Sobol spółka komandytowo-akcyjna
Company Paleta A.Sobol spółka komandytowo-akcyjna has been providing complex service in the field of high-quality wooden pallets and packages. The Company’s seat, including the centre for logistics and production organization is located in Kobylanka near Szczecin, close to the Polish-German border. The majority of our products has been delivered to the EU Member States for 23 years.
Our offer is characterized by:
- complex customer service in the field of pallet production and delivery,
- professional advisory,
- typical wooden pallets (EURO pallets, single-use pallets, glued timber pallets, CP and other pallets),
- non-typical wooden pallets made on individual customer orders,
- speed and timeliness of delivery – Just-in-Time strategy implementation,
- low manufacturer prices, possibility of individual negotiations.